More About Micrografx QuickVector Commands

Specifying the Target of a Command

Commands that change the state of an object (changing an object's color or text, for example) normally act on the object whose event triggered the command. For example, if you put the command ObjectColor red into a symbol's OnMouseDown command list, that object becomes red when the user clicks it.

If you want the click to make a different object red, insert the modifier phrase "as object-name" at the front of the command (as stands for AffectSymbol). This instructs the command to act on the object whose Name property matches object-name. For example, to turn the object named Warning_Light red, the command would be:

as Warning_Light ObjectColor red

You can check (or set) the Name of an object in Designer by selecting the object and then clicking Properties on the Object menu. Initially, the Name property of an object is blank.

Group-Relative Object Naming

This is available solely for Micrografx QuickVector version 3.0. These versions of Micrografx QuickVector only work with the shipping version of the Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 browser and the Netscape Navigator 3.0 browser.

You can create named groups of objects where mouse events are visible to the individual objects within a group.

For example, you could create a group called Eye made up of three objects: Pupil; Iris; and EyeWhite. If you wanted an event performed on Pupil to effect EyeWhite, you could use the following syntax:

as .EyeWhite ObjectColor Red

In this example, the . refers to the EyeWhite object within the same group as the Pupil object.

For another example, if you wanted an event performed on an object belonging to the group Eye2 to affect the object EyeWhite belonging to the group Eye, you could use the following syntax:

as Eye.EyeWhite ObjectColor Red

In this example, the Eye. refers to the EyeWhite object within the Eye group.

In order to hide and show all objects within a group, you can use the HideAllChildren and ShowAllChildren commands. For more information about these commands, click here.

Alias Properties

There are some things you may want to do so often that special properties are defined for them.

The most common of these is to set up an object as a link to a new page, simulating the same sort of feedback that browsers provide for their own links. You can use the urllink alias property for this. Assigning the urllink property with a value url sets up the object as a hyperlink to the URL and implies the following additional properties:

Property Value
OnMouseEnter StatusLine url;CursorShape Hand
OnMouseLeave StatusLine;CursorShape (restores the arrow pointer)
OnMouseUp Jump url

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"Developing Web Content with Micrografx QuickVector™," online version. © 1997 by Micrografx, Inc.